Monday, April 23, 2012

Well to start off with lets just say there is some cunstruction going on where I live. Anyway so when I was on the bus waiting to be dropped off at home there was cunstruction going on. They put up cones blocking the 2 sides of the road. My bus could not get in without smashing into the cones. Soooooooo she rolled down her window and yelled out, "You have to move these cones I havea little girl in here that needs to be dropped off!" The cunstruction workers stared at each other for about 1 minute then decided to move the cones for us to get through. She yelled thankyou and then dropped me off and drove off into the distance, and I never saw her ever again. I'm kidding she could'nt have went any where far. Or could she??????

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My hair

So I wake up in the morning and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and my hair is all puffed up. I try to straighten it but it ends up getting puffyer and stands up all by itself. I did not even use hairspray or gell. It just stood up! I go downstairs to eat some breakfast when my sister is sitting at the table. She looks at my hair and just laughs for about 2 minutes. I ran back upstairs and brushed my hair for about 10 minutes. Then used hairspray to keep my hair down. Just to be on the safe side I use a head band. Guess what. It worked! YAY!!!!

The quiet girl

So in class my teacher was teaching math. She asked one girl (the quiet girl) to answer this super easy math question. She said what it 1 plus 1. The girl on the other hand was sitting there with her head down clueless of the answer! My teacher kept on saying you need to ask for help or say you don't know the answer. But the girl did not say anything. 1 hour later she still did not say anything! 5 minutes later she finally said 2. This boy sitting across from me was dead asleep. He was snoring like a pig. Actually I think every one was sleeping, but I was blaying thumb wrestle with myself how smart of me:) (I was cheering for my right thumb but sadly the left thumb one.)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Funny Class Picture

I think this might be one of the funniest class picture in the universe. So this is what happened. Our class took a picture together. When the pictures came out there is this one boy that you keep on laughing at if  you look at him. So he was sitting on the floor staring at the camera with his mouth wide open. Wait I don's even think that he was looking at the camera! Anyway our teacher bought one picture and put it on her shelf. My friend looked at it and burst out laughing. My teacher came over to her and then looked at the picture. She burst out laughing and then said,"That is not funny(hehe)that is really(hehe)mean(hehe)." So that's how it happened.