Friday, June 29, 2012

Just now I was texting my brother. I know that seems a bit normal to you but to my sister not so much. My brother is downstairs on his laptop and I am upstairs on my laptop. We are texting each other. So we start this random conversation about what he is doing. It was getting pretty awkward. My sister came in and called me a dork. Then she grabbed the laptop and left.
Hello people I don't know. Well today was our graduation for school. We had these little skits or something to do in front of parents. I wasn't nervous at all. Pish Posh. Well after the little skit thingy we got our report cards. This boy in my class comes up to me and says, "I hate you." I didn't know what to say so I just walked away. When I am trying to take pictures these random kids try to pop in. Who do they think they are!!!!!! Well after that we went to Mcdonalds. I almost fell asleep on the chairs. I was so tired. Then we went home. Soooooooooooo yeah.